Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Not fast enough?

Ok, I see this happen a lot, and I have experienced it A LOT! The number on the scale either slows way down while on it's way down, or it stops moving all together. There are a number of theories. Most people want to cut calories and increase exercise. This seems like the most accurate "guess" but it's not entirely correct. I have a solution for you. It's called muscle confusion! Some of you may be confused right now but give me a chance to explain. As we set our calorie intake and do our 30 mins or more of exercise each day, day in and day out, our bodies get "comfortable" with it. Once we reach the point of "comfort" we need to throw our bodies for a loop! It's as easy a making a change! If you have been running as your choice of exercises, change it. Try something different, like weight training or resistance training. Changing your work out is key! If you have been eating the same foods, make a change. Try this for one week, and I will guarantee a downward movement on the scale. Get rid of all complex carbs for 7 days. Yep, it's not for the weak of heart. It will take a large amount of self control, but you have it in you! Stay away from ALL breads, pastas, rice, potatoes, and any other grains. Eat mostly protein and veggies at every meal, with some added fruit here and there. You will break through this "slow spell", I promise.

Now some of you may be thinking "she is seriously nuts" and I guess I would have to be a little crazy to have already tested out some of the theories I'm sharing with you. However, I know these things work! Test it for yourself.

"It's lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believe in myself." - Muhammad Ali

1 comment:

  1. Since starting the zrii 'Achieve' on Sunday, I have kept this in mind and it works for sure! Muscle confusion really does makes sense! 7lbs down, several more to go! But I am confident in myself and with these tips and I know I can get to where I want to be!! Thanks Amy!


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