Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Yesterday, I focused on those who just love cardio. Well, what about those of you who HATE cardio...I have something for you too. It's called HIIT. It means High Intensity Interval Training. This type of training allows you to burn more calories than slow and stead cardio in half the time. It also keeps your metabolic rate elevated for a longer period of time. Sounds good to me! Here is how it works, you are going to alternate periods of intense work with periods of rest. Here is just 1 example:

Work Rest
1 min 1 min

1 min 1 min

1 min 1 min

continue for 15-20 mins

You can do HIIT on any cardio machine. For a treadmill your work speed/incline should be set to a difficult level. Then your rest should be exactly that, a rest. Walk and recover.

NO WORRIES! If you don't have cardio equipment, do this outside. Sprint for 1 min, then walk for 1 min. HIIT is hard but extremely effective. I add it to the tail end of my workouts to get an extra burn. Or, I do it if I don't have time for a full session of slow and steady cardio. Try it and let me know what you think.

Nutrition Tip:
I hear so many people talk about how they wish they had more energy. I have a suggestion, make sure you add one serving of lean protein to each meal and snack. This is a big deal. Eating only carbs at a meal or snack will cause your blood sugar to spike and then drop fast, and this leaves you feeling fatigued, hungry, and you may even experience cravings for more carbs. Eating protein at every meal and snack will help you control your blood sugar levels and leave you feeling satisfied longer.

You might be thinking, "who wants to cook at every meal and snack?" Well, NOT ME! I pre-cook a few chicken breast at the beginning of the week, and that way, I have them ready at what ever time of day I want them.

Other protein sources that are great: raw nuts (walnuts are the best for you), natural nut butters, eggs, cottage cheese, and all natural Greek yogurt.

So my healthy snack idea for you today is: 2 tbsp of all natural peanut butter and 1 apple. Use the PB for dipping. SO YUMMY!

Wellness Idea:

Compliment someone else's progress today. Everyone knows some who who is working on a healthier lifestyle. Let that person know how awesome they are doing, or encourage them to keep going. You will be surprised how good it makes YOU feel.

Thanks, and...

"Just Do It"- Nike (love it)

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