Thursday, January 10, 2013

My new Journey...

I have committed to compete as a Figure Competitor for the Spring 2013 season!  I'm so excited to take this journey!  I'm currently finishing up my 4th week of training.  I feel STRONG!  Let me back up a second and share with you my "why".

About a year and half ago, I was approached by a fitness coach.  She introduced herself to me but I knew exactly who she was.  She has an AMAZING personality.  People are drawn to her.  She is positive, energetic, and intense.  She also is a group fitness instructor at my gym.  She told me, she liked my work outs and thought that Les Mills's ATTACK would be a perfect companion to my current program.  I took her class and her energy was contagious.  I was hooked!  I saw my body change instantly.  I have always been an athlete, and this class felt  like "home".  She asked me if I had ever thought about competing.  Honestly, I had seen those women that compete, and they looked amazing.  I hadn't ever pictured myself competing in that sport.  Well, that conversation created a spark!  I researched everything I could about that sport.  My understanding changed from " tan girls on stage" to "athletes competing on stage".  I thought about it for a while and decided to make some changes before I committed.  That choice was a long and rough road.  You can learn more about those experiences HERE and HERE

That experience changed my life.  I learned so much over those 8 months and yet, still in my mind was the opportunity to compete. Krissy offered amazing support to me through that experience.  She may not know this, but there were times I pulled from her for strength.  Thank you Krissy.  The moment I was finally able to move forward,  I made the decision to compete this spring. 
I have always loved to compete in athletics.  As a competitive person, this is the perfect opportunity to push myself and see what I'm really made of.  I have already learned so much.  I'm all about team Iron Heelz!  Krissy Wolfe is the BEST coach available.  I'm so excited to be working with her and learn more about my craft.

I'm currently in the building phase.  I'm eating clean and training hard and heavy.  My work outs make me a little nervous.  I get butterflies every time.  I'm constantly surprising myself with how strong I really am.  I am exhausted by about 7:30 pm.  As soon as my head hits the pillow, I'm out!  :)  It's so amazing to see BIG changes FAST!  This is exciting!

My family is behind me all the way!  My hubby is wonderful, and he is ready to take this journey WITH me.  My kids know that I am working toward some big goals.  They can see the choices I make with my meals and they are on board about 60% of the time. :) It's a good thing I set aside a couple days to prep MY food.  My oldest son told me the other day that he was proud of me.  That was enough motivation for me :)  My sister lives in Oregon and is making the trip for my first show.  She has been completely supportive since day 1 and I love her for that.  I have awesome friends that are excited for me, and are always there to provide tons of encouragement.  I know that in order for me to be successful, I need to surround myself with people who are going to support and encourage me.  I'm sooo thankful for all of you!  Thank you, Thank you!

I have 11 weeks until show time...I hope to post once a week with updates.  At the end of this journey, I will post my before and after transformation pictures.  Until then, you will get fun gym update pics and journal videos . :)  Thanks to all of you for sharing this journey with me! 

If you are interested in learning more about the competitive fitness world visit

Thanks so much!!!


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